The second edition of the Fórum de Inovação Saúde (FIS), to be held on November 12, 2018, at Museu do Amanhã, in Rio de Janeiro, will bring together national and international experts to discuss and share ideas and experiences of high impact on the national health system. A total of 400 attendees, among members of governmental and non-governmental organizations, managers, innovators and enthusiasts of the health market, will be involved.
Neurologist Daniel Paes Santos, founding partner of the medical services and rehabilitation clinic Sinapse - one of the sponsors of the event - said that it is an honor to be engaged in such a relevant initiative. "We will be sharing trends, concepts and knowledge to contribute to the transformation and the modernization of the health sector. We count everyone's presence", he says.
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FIS is an initiative of Chapter Rio de Janeiro of the Brazilian College of Health Executives (CBEXs).
