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Alzheimer's disease affects 3 out of 10 Brazilians over 80 years of age

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia in the world. Although there is no consolidated data on the incidence in Brazil, the Ministry of Health estimates that about 30% of the Brazilian population over 80 years of age are carriers of the disease.

Age is the main risk factor. As there is still no cure, the current treatment is based on acting on the symptoms of the disease, which include memory loss, disorientation, anxiety and aggressive behavior. The early diagnosis is fundamental to patients' longevity.

In an interview with Rede TV (a Brazilian TV network), neurologist Daniel Santos Paes, a member of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology (ABN), explains about some of the peculiarities of Alzheimer's disease, such as having no specific prevalence by social class.

"And in addition to the patients, their families also end up going through a lot of suffering", he adds.

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